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Apologies if this has already been covered.
I am using Adobe Acrobat Pro DC and want to run a script on the digital signature field such that when the user clicks on the field, the application alerts them of any required fields that were left blank and won't let them sign/save until said required fields are filled in (text and radio buttons alike).
If anyone can help me with providing the JavaScript for it - including what parameters or options I need to have said script setup - that would be wonderful!
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You can't do that in the field itself. What you can do is hide the signature field until all the required fields are filled-in, and then show it so the user can sign it.
As for saving the file, you also can't prevent that. What can be done is to display an error message or save a blank version of the file (but that's a bit extreme).
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Hello, do we have any improvement regarding this topic?
I was also trying to prevent saving my form if the required fields are not filled by the user. I give an error message when user tires to save it but I want to prevent saving it also. I tried to overwrite save function, but couldn't achieve anything. I used event.rc = false statement but it seems it doesn't work.
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I've developed a (paid-for) script that can display an error message, AND force the fields in the saved/printed file to be blank, but it can't fully prevent it from being saved/printed at all.
You can find it here: