Give a number page to a template
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Hi everyone !
i'am usign acrobat DC (15) on windows.
I have pages spawning when a button is clicked. I would like to display dynamically the page number of a spawned page. In other words, my document has initailly 1 page ( with 8 templates), when the user decides to spawn a page or more, i have a little "blank space" where i would like to display page number.
i am a newbie !!!
thx for evertyhing 😃
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Add text fields for the page numbers to the templates.
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thx !
but the pages could be spawned in any order, so inside the first page, the number of page should change, et depending on which pages will be spawned, the number should also appear in the pages spawned.
For example,
First page : 1/1
then,template page A and template page B are spawned ( the order could change)
the firest page 1/3
and template page A : page 2/3
and template page B : page 3/3
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After spawning the page you must set the value of the text field.
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can i have a little bit of code ?=) thx
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Post the code for your button and we will update it with what's missing
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here it is :
// get the value from the dropdown control
var sel = this.getField("liste_qualif").value;
// determine the template name
var templateName = "";
switch (sel) {
case 1: templateName = "CRI";
case 2: templateName = "FI";
case 3: templateName = "FTI de FTI";
case 4: templateName = "FTI";
case 5: templateName = "IRI";
case 6: templateName = "MCCI";
case 7: templateName = "SFI";
case 8: templateName = "STI";
case 9: templateName = "TRI";
// if we have a template name, spawn the template
if (templateName != "") {
var t = this.getTemplate(templateName);
//pop up for the user
var message = app.alert("Vous avez sélectionné une qualification d'instructeur \n\n"+"La page concernant la qualification vient d'apparaître à la fin du document",1);
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Add a field at the bottom of each pages and each template.
Put this in the calulate script:
event.value = "Page "+this.pageNum+" / "+this.numPages
by the way, you do not have to put your alert inside a variable to trigger it ;o)
//pop up for the user
var message = app.alert("Vous avez sélectionné une qualification d'instructeur \n\n"+"La page concernant la qualification vient d'apparaître à la fin du document",1)
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Also, I think the switch statement is not necessary. You could use those abreviations directly as export values right from your dropdown menu.
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thx !!!! for the tips and advice ... 😃
however, i ve putted this code in a the main page and 2 templates ( just to try if it works ) ... some problems appear :
The " this.pageNum" does'nt seem to work, because it's blocked at 0, and instead of incrementing the total number of page, it decreases.
For example, page 1 : 0/1,
after spawning a page : page template A : 0/1 AND page 1 : 0/2
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actually, only the last decreases of "1"
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you can find my file here : 00Formlic_Interactif_js_v5.pdf - Google Drive
you need to select : either TRI or STI in the dropdown list and then validate with the button just on the right. It's in french ...
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I'm french also, lol
pageNum is 0-based also so you have to give it an increment
event.value = "Page "+(this.pageNum+1)+" / "+this.numPages
and since this script is a calculate script (and the spawning of a template doesn't trigger the calculate event), you need to trigger it manually.
put this:
right after the spawn() function in the button
Othewise, it would have triggered as soon as you enter whatever in whaterver field.
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Thx !!! ( j'étais en jour off, c'est pour a que j'ai mis du temps à répondre ) ...
Now the total amount of page is OK 😃
but ... i have still a little problem, it's still block at 0 for the current page, the number doesnt incremente ?
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i need to find a scirpt, which allow to take into consideration whatever order the pages will be spawed and give the the right number
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Une réponse claire et en français se trouve ici :,3224.msg18951.html#msg18951
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Merci !
Mais cela ne marche que pour les pages ayant été DUPLIQUEES et SPAWNED ( simultanément) =(
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What do you mean by "take into consideration whatever order the pages will be spawed"? Doesn't spawned pages append to the end of the document? Therefore, their order in the document is the same as the order they were spawned?
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Yes, i meant that ...
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The script I wrote, And the link provided by @JR_Boulay , they do just that.
My script:
this.pageNum() method returns the position of the page in the document as a 0-Based index. Therefore, this.pageNum()+1 is the number of the page.
@JR_Boulay's script:
the "page" property of the field object ( as described in the post returnes the same thing but will return an array of integer if there is more than one occurence of the same field, based on the order they were created.
I tested my script in your document. It works fine except for some reason, the calculateNow() method doesn't trigger fast enough for the fields to update. It updates as soon as a value is commited anywhere in the document (because it is a calulate script)
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Try the solution posted by JR_Boulay. But for that to work, the field of your main page must be different from the on in your templates. Whenever I change the script in "Text27", it changes acoordingly in P1.TRI.Text27. Since both scripts are slightly different, you need to independant fields.
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I use a trick: I never spawn/add one page somewhere in a document: first I delete all pages and I re-spawn all pages in their final order, starting by the end. This is usefull for small documents, less than 50 pages, since you never have to manage a relative pages order.
the calculateNow() method doesn't trigger fast enough
Add this script at the beginning of the script:
this.calculate = false;
And add this one at the end :
this.calculate = true;