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Hi,I am much new to the vba as well as for the Adobe Forum.I need to convert .pdf file to an excel file via excel vba.To get done it,I am required to have Acrobat sdk vba reference.So I downloaded it from Adobe Site using this Downloads this link.When I browse through vba reference library those file are not displayed but only a tlb file is displayed.when I activated it and run my macro it says "UNABLE TO CREATE ACTIVE X COMPONENT".How do I solve this?
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Have you Adobe Acrobat on your system?
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@Bernard Alheit, Yes I downloaded Adobe Acrobat XI SDK and Adobe Acrobat DC SDK using above link which I have mentioned.And also I tried with both It keeps displaying me the error messeage.Either have I downloaded incorrect vba reference or any other mistake?
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@Bernard Alheit, Yes I downloaded Adobe Acrobat XI SDK and Adobe Acrobat DC SDK using above link which I have mentioned.And also I tried with both It keeps displaying me the error messeage.Either have I downloaded incorrect vba reference or any other mistake?
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Which version of Adobe Acrobat do you use?
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Its folder named as Adobe Acrobat XI SDK but when I go through vba reference it displays me as Adobe Acrobat 8.0 Library.
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I mean Adobe Acrobat, not the SDK.
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Do you mean Adobe Acrobat Reader Dc?I have this but if this is not what you meant I do not have it.
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Acrobat Reader is not enough. You need a installation of Adobe Acrobat.
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This is the problem I am facing because when I was browsing to download Acrobat searched results are showing Adobe Acrobat reader only.Is there any link to download Adobe Acrobat?
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You can download a trial version:
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Yes,I got it..i will try with this.Thank you for your kind assistance.
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It is good to understand that Acrobat is a commercial product - each user pays for it. The Acrobat SDK is just a set of tools for automating Acrobat, to encourage people to buy it. Not a free API !