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Multiple signatures - only lock specific fields

Mar 03, 2016 Mar 03, 2016

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Hi all,

I have gone through several threads and tried to search the forum for relevant information. So far I have not found any solution that helps, so now I am hoping that anyone know how I should address this problem.

I have created a form in Adobe Acrobat that will work as a contract between students and companies during the education.

In short, I would like to be able to fill out the form, but when the company (red) signs his part, specifics fields are locked. The remaining fields are still editable until the students signs his part.

Is this possible at all?
I am using Adobe Acrobat Pro to create this form, and the users will be using Adobe Reader when adding information and signatures.

Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

- Rasmus


Acrobat SDK and JavaScript , Windows






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New Here ,
Jan 18, 2017 Jan 18, 2017

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I'm looking for the exact same thing, I also create a form that students and companies need to fill and sign, unfortunately, I can't find any good option to do so.





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Adobe Employee ,
Feb 02, 2017 Feb 02, 2017

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Hi - I think that you can accomplish the basic scope of what you are trying to do with AdobeSign -

Some quick clarification points. If you just want the document to be created by Green user and sent to Red user for processing, then it returns to Green user for finalization, and both Green and Red Users have discrete fields that are assigned to those users specifically, this can be done innately without any real difficulty with the form you have and AdobeSign.

If you are trying to do something where Green Prefills some  information, where Red then gets that prefilled data and has the ability to edit it, signs and it comes back to Green where Green then signs...  that is not possible with AdobeSign.

You can however do the first scenario -

In order to accomplish this one would need to have an AdobeSign account. Once you have an account you can log into your account, go to the send page, and:

  1. enter the email address of the Red user in the To: field,
  2. then click the "Add Me" link in the upper right side (this will add a value - Myself - to the To Field as second signer
  3. Enter an agreement name, and any comments that may be needed.
  4. Drag and drop your PDF you are using into the box at number 4
  5. Tick the Checkbox at 5 (this takes you to the authoring environment once you click Send.
  6. Click Send


Once you have completed step 6. you will enter the authoring environment, in this environment you will see the fields on the PDF you have already created (from your example).

Right Click on each field that you want to be associated with the RED signer, and select Edit, then assign it by selecting the correct signer on the "Assigned To" pull down list (in my example reduser@somedomain.com) and mark it required via the appropriate checkbox. You may also drag signature fields or any other fields you may need onto the document and assign them in the same manner. Once you have assigned all of the fields for Reduser you will need to do the same for the Greenuser, which is done, basically the same way, but using the "Me" option in the pulldown for the fields and complete that process (add signer field if you do not have one)

Be aware that there is an option for "prefill" this will not perform what you are looking for, Any fields assigned to "prefill" will have to be filled by you before the document is sent out for signature to RedUser, but they will be locked for Reduser, who will not be able to interact with them. There are a few other more technical problems with it as well in terms of what you are trying to do.

Then when all fields are done and ready to go - Pause a moment...

Do you plan on sending this more than once ? Consider click the "Save to Document Library" checkbox ... Then send it out for signature by clicking "Send".





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