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Does anyone have a way to use keyboard shortcuts to change the color of a field?
I am trying to write a VBA code, that takes a status from Excel, and then exports that to a visual color in to the pdf. I can't use a mouse action because it is coming from a MACRO.
Is there a different way to do something like this? Maybe change the color of the font? I am trying to think of many ways to figure this out and I'm drawing a blank.
So, here is what I need to do...
Complete an Excel spreadsheet that contains all pertainent data and a RAG (red, amber, green) status field
Map the data from the excel spreadsheet to the corresponding fields in the pdf Form
When I need to map the RAG status of the project -- (this is where I'm stuck) -- how to I tell the pdf to color code a particular text box, radio button, etc to FILL IN the object with a corresponding color from the excel file?
I am open to all and any suggestions.
Here is the issue, in order for the VBA script to work, coloring filling the object in the PDF must be done through keyboard actions.
Thank you so much for any help or insight you can give me.
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If you can apply the color name as the value of the field you could then run a script to read those values, delete them and set the field's fill color based on them.
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OH WOW! This is making me excited.
How would I go about finding/writing a script to read those color names and then fill the field with the color?
Is there a certain script I need to research?
Thank you so much try67!!
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The basic code to achieve it is not too complicated. You just need to extend it with all the colors you want to have.
Here's the basic script to convert fields with the text "BLUE" in them to have a blue fill color:
for (var i=0; i<this.numFields; i++) {
var f = this.getField(this.getNthFieldName(i));
if (f==null) continue;
if (f.valueAsString=="BLUE") {
f.value = "";
f.fillColor =;
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Try67 you are incredible. What an asset!
Do you have any courses that you have created that I can view, sign-up, enroll, whatever? I'd love to learn more.
Thank you so much for your help.
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Not at the moment, but if you're interested in buying custom-made scripts or lessons about scripting feel free to contact me privately via [try6767 at].