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Found this awesome bit of code to create a single pdf file from a given folder, but i can't get it to create bookmarks when inserting.
In the Acrobat and PDF Library API Reference: InsertPages(long nInsertPageAfter, LPDISPATCH iPDDocSource,long nStartPage, long nNumPages, long bBookmarks) For bBookMarks - If a positive number, bookmarks are copied from the source document. If 0, they are not.
I found the i have tried all of these options:
PartDocs(0).InsertPages(n - 1, PartDocs(i), 0, Ni, True)
PartDocs(0).InsertPages(n - 1, PartDocs(i), 0, Ni, 1)
PartDocs(0).InsertPages(n - 1, PartDocs(i), 0, Ni, -1)
What am i missing? any help would be greatly appreciated.
Private Sub Command75_Click()
On Error GoTo Err_Command75_Click
Const DestFile As String = "MergedFile.pdf" ' <-- change to suit
Dim MyPath As String, MyFiles As String
Dim a() As String, i As Long, f As String
' Choose the folder or just replace that part by: MyPath = Range("E3")
With Application.FileDialog(msoFileDialogFolderPicker)
'.InitialFileName = "C:\Temp\"
.AllowMultiSelect = False
If .Show = False Then Exit Sub
MyPath = .SelectedItems(1)
End With
' Populate the array a() by PDF file names
If right(MyPath, 1) <> "\" Then MyPath = MyPath & "\"
ReDim a(1 To 2 ^ 14)
f = Dir(MyPath & "*.pdf")
While Len(f)
If StrComp(f, DestFile, vbTextCompare) Then
i = i + 1
a(i) = f
End If
f = Dir()
' Merge PDFs
If i Then
ReDim Preserve a(1 To i)
MyFiles = Join(a, ",")
' Application.StatusBar = "Merging, please wait ..."
Call MergePDFs(MyPath, MyFiles, DestFile)
' Application.StatusBar = False
MsgBox "No PDF files found in" & vbLf & MyPath, vbExclamation, "Canceled"
End If
Exit Sub
MsgBox err.Description
Resume Exit_Command75_Click
End Sub
Public Sub MergePDFs(MyPath As String, MyFiles As String, Optional DestFile As String = "MergedFile.pdf")
' ZVI:2013-08-27
' Reference required: VBE - Tools - References - Acrobat
Dim a As Variant, i As Long, n As Long, Ni As Long, p As String
Dim AcroApp As New Acrobat.AcroApp, PartDocs() As Acrobat.CAcroPDDoc
If right(MyPath, 1) = "\" Then p = MyPath Else p = MyPath & "\"
a = Split(MyFiles, ",")
ReDim PartDocs(0 To UBound(a))
On Error GoTo exit_
If Len(Dir(p & DestFile)) Then Kill p & DestFile
For i = 0 To UBound(a)
' Check PDF file presence
If Dir(p & Trim(a(i))) = "" Then
MsgBox "File not found" & vbLf & p & a(i), vbExclamation, "Canceled"
Exit For
End If
' Open PDF document
Set PartDocs(i) = CreateObject("AcroExch.PDDoc")
PartDocs(i).Open p & Trim(a(i))
If i Then
' Merge PDF to PartDocs(0) document
Ni = PartDocs(i).GetNumPages()
' If Not PartDocs(0).InsertPages(n - 1, PartDocs(i), 0, Ni, True) Then
If Not PartDocs(0).InsertPages(n - 1, PartDocs(i), 0, Ni, -1) Then
MsgBox "Cannot insert pages of" & vbLf & p & a(i), vbExclamation, "Canceled"
End If
' Calc the number of pages in the merged document
n = n + Ni
' Release the memory
Set PartDocs(i) = Nothing
' Calc the number of pages in PartDocs(0) document
n = PartDocs(0).GetNumPages()
End If
If i > UBound(a) Then
' Save the merged document to DestFile
If Not PartDocs(0).Save(PDSaveFull, p & DestFile) Then
MsgBox "Cannot save the resulting document" & vbLf & p & DestFile, vbExclamation, "Canceled"
End If
End If
' Inform about error/success
If err Then
MsgBox err.Description, vbCritical, "Error #" & err.Number
ElseIf i > UBound(a) Then
MsgBox "The resulting file is created:" & vbLf & p & DestFile, vbInformation, "Done"
End If
' Release the memory
If Not PartDocs(0) Is Nothing Then PartDocs(0).Close
Set PartDocs(0) = Nothing
' Quit Acrobat application
Set AcroApp = Nothing
End Sub
The code doesn't create bookmarks if they weren't there before (what would they say and where would they link?). The flag you mention just controls whether existing bookmarks are merged in with the pages.
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any help would be greatly appreciated!!
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Does the source document already have bookmarks?
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no sir.
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The code doesn't create bookmarks if they weren't there before (what would they say and where would they link?). The flag you mention just controls whether existing bookmarks are merged in with the pages.
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Ahhh, I thought it would use the filename as a bookmark, like "Combine Files into PDF" (Always add bookmarks to Adobe PDF) in the GUI does.
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Hello. it will be a problem. instead of specifying the filename ourselves, safya1.if we want him to get it automatically from cell o1, what kind of code do we have to write?