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I need to export my pdf as fdf and save it server. I have script that is working, but it's not working in adobe acrobat reader. Can someone please help me know I can export in Reader.
var fields = [];
var Arrays =[];
for (var i = 0; i <= this.numFields - 1; i++)
Arrays = fields.sort( function(a,b)
{return a - b; } );
//Don't change JavaScript, expecet Domain name, otherwise It will not work
var aSubmitFields = fields ;
var cFDF = this.exportAsFDF({
//cPath: "JHHJH.fdf",
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This is as expected and documented. There are many things Reader cannot do. See the "quick bar" for exportAsFDF in the JavaScript Reference. But of course Reader can SUBMIT (not save) to a server running CGI/PHP/ASP.
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Is there any work around, As of now, I have images on the PDF and I was exporitng it as FDF as save it. Now, I can not use export funtion in Reader, Is there any way we can achive this.
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You can submit the form data as an FDF file (which is attached to an email that the user can save), or export it as a string (which can be displayed to the user for saving manually), but you can't generate an FDF file directly in Reader.
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Thanks for your reply. Savving in email is not option for me, I have tried to read all the field and Image field with Images, After convert it all the field, I'm calliging web Service, I can get all the fileds but not Images. I'm getting Images but Not able to convert to Images, it converts as text values
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if I submit the fdf Directly to my Web Service, I'm not able to connect to the web service if Images size is more than 600 kb... if its' less than that It can connect. it's been a while a I'm looking for workaround but not able to find it.
Could you please guide me what would be the best approch.
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Depends on time, technical and budget contraints. Adobe's preferred solution of course is that you license Acrobat for each end user.