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Is it possible to apply a page label without numbering style like we can using style "none" with page numbering in Acrobat?
var labels = "4, 9, 13";
var labelsplit = labels.split(", ");
if (labelsplit.length == this.numPages) {
for (var i=0; i<this.numPages; i++) {
this.setPageLabels(i, ["D", "", labelsplit]);
//this.setPageLabels(i, ["r", "", labelsplit]);
//this.setPageLabels(i, [ "A", "C4-Lot", 4])
My problem is if my labels contain something else than integer...
For a label like "C4-LotD" I would have to evaluate if the last letter is upper case and then "D" is the fourth letter of alphabetical order to come out with:
this.setPageLabels(i, [ "A", "C4-Lot", 4])
Label not ending by alphanumeric character will be a problem. Maybe another way to label pages?
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I don't know if pages labels can be created as you want but working out which number a letter is, is pretty trivial, you could just use.
var pageLabel = "C4-LotD";
// make string uppercase, get last char
var charAsNumber = pageLabel.toUpperCase().charCodeAt((pageLabel.length - 1));
// subtract 64 as that is the start ( well 1 less than an A in ASCII )
charAsNumber -= 64;
this would set the string as a number, no matter if it was uppercase or lowercase, you would get the same number ( I am making the assumption that is what you want)
Caveat: wont work with extended chars.
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Thanks, I did'nt know that method. My idea for resolving the char number was to create an array A-Z then do a find to retreive the index number. Still don't know how resolving Label not ending by alphanumeric character...
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Are the page label endings predictable, i.e. they are a known set of characters that are allowed or are all characters allowed?
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After research chance are that labels will end by alphanumerical characters. The only way I found to get a label otherwise is to use Acrobat and put numbering style to "none". This way suggest to label each page one by one which should be rare.
For now i will deal with non-alphanumerical character by adding a "1" and the end. So I will use:
var labels = "I,II,1,2,A,B,@_!";
labelsplit = labels.split(",");
var pageLabel = "";
var prefix = "";
var nStart = 1
if (labelsplit.length == this.numPages) {
for (var i=0; i<this.numPages; i++) {
pageLabel = labelsplit;
mDecimal = pageLabel.match(/\d+$/);
if (mDecimal) {
nStart = mDecimal[0];
prefix = pageLabel.slice(0, mDecimal[0].length*-1);
this.setPageLabels(i, ["D", prefix, nStart]);
prefix = pageLabel.slice(0, -1);
charAsNumber = pageLabel.charCodeAt((pageLabel.length - 1));
if (charAsNumber > 64 && charAsNumber < 91) {
//is uppercase letter
this.setPageLabels(i, [ "A", prefix, charAsNumber -= 64])
else if (charAsNumber > 96 && charAsNumber < 123) {
//is lowercase letter
this.setPageLabels(i, [ "a", prefix, charAsNumber -= 96])
//dealing with non-alphanumeric ending, for now add at numbering "1"
this.setPageLabels(i, [ "D", pageLabel, 1])
Is there a way to label a page without numbering style?