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Hi All,
In normal window application able to load, preview and able to add annotations to adobe pdf api embed but if I try to access in incognitive tab(In browser setting third party cookies are disabled for incognitive tab) we will get below error. if I enable All cookies in browser even in incognitive its starts getting work. How to fix this issue without enabling all cookies in browser.
"dc-core.js:2 DOMException: Failed to read the 'sessionStorage' property from 'Window': Access is denied for this document".
Please help us in solving this issue.
Thanks in advance.
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I tried replicating this on our playground (, with Edge, Incognito, 3rd party cookies disabled, and can't reproduce it. Can you try the playground too?
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I am too facing this issue as I was playing with embed API. When I click thumbnails, it is throwing this error and not showing any thumbnails.
If you use use your playground to reproduce, it won't show becuase domain of plaground and the source of iframe used to embed the document are same
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I tried this CodePen,, in an Incognito browser and saw no issues. Is it _only_ if you try to add an annotation?
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This error will comes after loading adobe embed pdf Api successfully once and then if we try to open expand panel of comments secition(annotations) or if we try to add any annotations or simply if we try to click any thing on that section we are getting this error.
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@LakshmiPrasan271162336j9x I can now confirm that if you use FULL_WINDOW, Incognito, _and_ block 3rd party cookies, I get an error. I don't see DOM Excetion errors, the error seems to have no labels, but it definitely messes up.
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Ok, even without Incognito mode, if 3rd party cookies are blocked, it throws the error.
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@Raymond Camden On that screen, we are not able to see any lables but if we try to navigate to any other view or click on back then we could able to see the lable for that error. first view is as below and later if we navigate we can see labels other screenshots
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Change embed mode to 'FULL_WINDOW' and checked this in Chrome(Version 115.0.5790.110 (Official Build) (64-bit)). Gettiig this
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I getting this error when I try to click to open thumbnails
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above Url I can also able access from my incognitive tab but from my angular application getting the error.
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Ok, again though, if you can find a way for me to reproduce this, I can verify it and report it.
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Hi Raymond, I've started a new vue3 project based on your blog post. It opens a pdf for 2 seconds, then the component disappears, throwing the same exception, 401 for a jwt, and logs saying it's dismounting the component. It seems to me that the domain limit on the API key actually checks it even for localhost. Why?
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@Marko5E8A Yes, we check localhost. I agree we shouldn't, but we do. You either need a key for localhost and one for production, _or_ make a key for, and locally use with a HOSTS file.
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I'm a bit concerned that my error _looks_ different than yours, but the process seems to be the same. I've reported it internally.
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Hi @Raymond Camden , Any inputs from the team? Like.. we can handle that error
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It's been reproduced by engineering. That's the best I got now, sorry.
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i think i have the same problem. Only with edge because this option is enable
any tip to make this api work with this option enable?
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Sorry, I'm not aware of a workaround.
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@Raymond Camden i foudn out that the any block trackers like the one from edge pr an ad blocker is the problem.
if you disable this everything goes as normal
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Why Edge browser blocking Adobe domain and the PDF document showing blank. It happened suddenly past 2 days. It is loading good in basic mode. It is not loading in Balanced and strict mode. Is that adobe site vulnerable in Balanced and strict mode?
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this is a huge problem. they need a fix!
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I hear ya. I raised the ticket a few weeks ago. I'll ping the PM just to help raise the issue more.
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@Raymond Camden Can we get ETA to resolve this Bug?