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[Embed API] Please improve the developer experience

Community Beginner ,
Apr 25, 2023 Apr 25, 2023

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The embedded PDF viewer is a really nice and valuable product. I chose it over pdf.js for its reliability and over commercial solutions for its free availability, and I assume many others will come to a similar conclusion.

Now that I have started experimenting with it, there are several things that make me rather uncomfortable as a developer to invest a lot of effort into it. I hope Adobe will consider some of the following suggestions, all of which are pretty much standard for professional offerings nowadays.


  1.  Proper API reference
    The current API documentation comes in the form of a How-To. What we really need is a complete, standardized reference of all available methods in the library. Otherwise I can't deal with potential exceptions and the like.
  2.  Versioned API
    Currently, I have to load the library from an unversioned link (https://documentservices.adobe.com/view-sdk/viewer.js). This way I have no good means to implement workarounds for current issues, let alone deal with API changes.

  3.  Developer API keys
    API keys currently can only be registered for TLDs or localhost. But developers are often working with servers hosted on local IP addresses or local DNS names. Please make it possible to register API keys for these as well.

  4.  NPM package
    A downloadable NPM package would help with dependency and version management, improve performance and reliability, and integrate better with UI frameworks. Other closed-source/API key solutions like Pdftron can do it, so why can't Adobe?

  5.  TypeScript typings
    More of a convenience factor, but this is also standard these days.

  6.  Issue tracking
    This support community is nice, but it really is a very basic forum that doesn't provide a good overview of current issues.

    Thank you for your consideration. 🙂
Feature request , General , How to , PDF Embed API






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Community Beginner ,
Jul 03, 2023 Jul 03, 2023

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More than two months later, there is no answer to this post. Same for about 80% in this forum. And for the rest it's mostly "Thank you, we will put it on the list".

What's the point of this developer community, if Adobe doesn't actively support it? The source code is closed, so developers can hardly help out each other.





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