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Hello, I'm integrating the adobe e-sign API with .Net project. In the API documents, Agreementinfo class has attribute sendType. In .net AgreementCreationInfo class, sendType attribute is not available.!/agreements/getAgreementInfo
While I was testing the API from the above URL, having the sendType value 'Regular_send' showed me the eSign box in the document. But the one created through .Net rest API from web app, eSign box is not available in the PDF and status is showing as 'out to fill form'. But I was expecting 'out for signature '. Please advise on how to achieve this.
From c#, I'm using the method to create agreement.
Agreementsapi.CreateAgreement(token, agreementCreationInfo)
Getting agreement details using API,
Agreementsapi.GetAgreementInfo(token, id)
Please suggest on how to add eSign box to document created through .net project. Thanks.
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