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I have a requirement to convert pdf into docx , so when i am converting my ocr pdf into docx, I am facing some challenges like the handwritten characters are excluding from the ocr, thats why those regions are getting messed. And the regions with ash colour background are also getting messed like the images below.
Could you please help me how to overcome this kind of challenges or like did i get any support paid apis?
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It may, in this case, simply be that the OCR wasn't able to handle that handwriting. If you open the PDF in Acrobat, OCR it there, does it work?
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Sorry I did n't checked in the adobe acrobat
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Now I have tried in Adobe Acrobat, When apply OCR a pdf that time it is adding a digitized layer over the handwritten regions, In next step when I use export pdf to convert pdf into docx, then those regions are getting messed up like above...
Can you help me to understand, do you have any customized solution to exclude handwritten regions from OCR pdf....>?, so that the handwritten regions would remain intact...
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Not really sure what to suggest - it sounds like the input may just be too messy.
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I want to know if we take commercial subscription, do you have any support for these kind of issues in the sense costimized solution
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how do I discuss with adobe development team to get the assistance for the issue?