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I think Extract API is interpreting that area as a footer and ignoring it. Unfortunately, there is no setting to force it to not do that.
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Not that it's a showstopper for us, but if that is the confirmed reason that the text is not being extracted from the footer, is there a chance in a future sprint/improvement cycle of the tool that a config option can be added to broaden the text search to the entire page?
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Great minds... I've already submitted that as a feature request. It'll be important for documents that have been bates numbered too.
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I face the same problem, I have headers and footers with usefull information in it, but I am not able to use this information..
I hope they will integrate this feature
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Hello Joel, Any update on this feature update? We want to use this feature to extract account numbers on the bank statements. Whithout this feature these API's are not going to useful for us. If you can recommend some solution or resource it is going to be very helpful.
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Same issue here, a lot of the good stuff is in the headers and footers. We're in 2023 now, any idea when getting them would be possible?