Hebrew (or any RTL) Text in form field disappears unless you click on it
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Hi, i cant find any info about this error.
and i cant create forms because i cant fill them
ill appreciate your help.
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Hi Ohade,
I understand the situation, as you are experiencing the issues with RTL text while filling a form, we need some more information for a better understanding.
- Do you have Adobe Reader or Adobe Acrobat DC and what is the version?
- What is the OS and version?
To check the product version you may follow the help article in the link-Identify the product and its version for Acrobat and Reader DC - Is this the behaviour with a particular PDF form or with any PDF form that you try to fill.
- Are you trying to fill the form online or the form is downloaded to your computer and then you are trying to fill?
In the meantime, you may try the following troubleshooting steps:
- Go to Help>Check for updates
- Go to Help>Repair Installation (windows)
- Go to Edit>Preferences>Language and try to toggle with the RTL /LTR options. (Windows)
- Go to Adobe Reader/Adobe Acrobat DC>Preferences>Language and try to toggle with the RTL /LTR options. (Mac)
- If you have Adobe Reader you may try to install the Asian and Extended language font pack. For more information, you may refer to the help article in the link-Hebrew text entered using Fill & Sign gets reversed on save
I hope this will help, do let us know your findings.
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- Do you have Adobe Reader or Adobe Acrobat DC and what is the version? DC V2019.012.20035
- What is the OS and version? WINDOWS 10 V1903
- Is this the behavior with a particular PDF form or with any PDF form that you try to fill? ANY PDF I DOWNLOAD FROM THE WEB OR CREATING FROM WORD \ PDF MAKER.
- Are you trying to fill the form online or the form is downloaded to your computer and then you are trying to fill? DOWNLOAD A PDF DOCUMENT TO MY COMPUTER.
In the meantime, you may try the following troubleshooting steps:
- Go to Help>Check for updates DID THAT
- Go to Help>Repair Installation (windows) ITS HAPPEN ON EVERY PC WE TESTED IT ON.
- Go to Edit>Preferences>Language and try to toggle with the RTL /LTR options. (Windows) I DID THAT
- Go to Adobe Reader/Adobe Acrobat DC>Preferences>Language and try to toggle with the RTL /LTR options. (Mac)
- If you have Adobe Reader you may try to install the Asian and Extended language font pack. For more information, you may refer to the help article in the link-Hebrew text entered using Fill & Sign gets reversed on save
Thank you,
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Hi Ohad,
Sorry for the delay in response.
Would it be possible to share any sample PDF with us? You can share the file with the help of the steps provided in the following help document How to share a file using Adobe Document Cloud
Also, confirm if this is an issue with the forms which are in the Hebrew (or any TRL) language or the form in any language, however, the form fields are filled with Hebrew (or any TRL) text.
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here is an excample for a PDF that cannot be sign.
its adobe pro. and there is no need to repair installtion because this "error" is happening on every PC with adobe pro!
Thank you,
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I am having same problem
Is this solved?
Is there a workaround?
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I found some workaround
Just uncheck the option in Edit --> Preferences --> Forms --> In Highlight Color group --> Show border hover for fields
This will keep the form without the highlight color and therefor the problem solved.
But this is only workaound which is ok for me.
The product functionality still has this bug if you choose to highlight the border of selected field with hebrew text.
So Adobe - please solve.
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helped a lot
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But it won't help for someone on a different computer using your pdf with the Highlight setting on in their app.
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It could be that you copied a field and then never moved the copied one. So if you have the forms Highlighted (you can turn it off in Edit--> Preferences --> Forms) one form can highlight out the other.
You can see all your fields in the Prepare Form mode. Select all the duplicates and delete them. Then try typing in the fields again and see if it works.
I posted this answer in https://community.adobe.com/t5/acrobat/text-in-form-field-disappears-unless-you-click-on-field/m-p/9... also.