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I have a form where I need to store text field value as a fraction (like 2 1/8) and then convert to decimal. I tried to use custom calculation through javascript but some how it is not taking fraction value and converting it to decimal.Please help.
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What JavaScript code do you use?
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Hello Bernd,I have used below code-
So field's formatting I am setting as none and then I enter value (say 2 1/4) as a fraction in it.I am splitting this value based on space and then getting all value as you can see, But when I enter value in field I don't get any thing converted in decimal.
var wholeNum = string(this.getField("fieldRow1").value).split(' ')[0]var fractionValue = string(this.getField("fieldRow1").value).split(' ')[1]
var fracNumerator = string(fractionValue ).split('/')[0]var fracDeno = string(fractionValue ).split('/')[1]var decimalVal = (wholeNum * fracDeno + fracNumerator )/fracDeno if (!isFinite(decimalVal ) || isNaN(decimalVal )) { event.value = "";} else {event.value = decimalVal ;}
Please let me know if you have any solution for this.
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Some ideas for debugging your program. Use app.alert to check the values of your four variables after splitting. Check the console for errors.
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There are missing ; characters at the end of the statements.
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There's no built-in "string" method in JS. Instead, just use the valueAsString property of the fields you're accessing, or the .toString() method, or even cast your variable to a string like this: ""+myVariable ...
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I fixed your code and made some adjustments to handle an empty string or a number without a fraction correctly. It's not perfect but it's better than what you had and it should work...
var v = this.getField("fieldRow1").valueAsString;
var parts = v.split(" ");
if (parts.length<=1) event.value = v;
else {
var wholeNum = Number(v.split(' ')[0]);
var fractionValue = v.split(' ')[1];
var fracNumerator = Number(fractionValue.split('/')[0]);
var fracDeno = Number(fractionValue.split('/')[1]);
var decimalVal = ((wholeNum * fracDeno) + fracNumerator) / fracDeno;
if (!isFinite(decimalVal) || isNaN(decimalVal)) {event.value = "";} else {event.value = decimalVal ;}
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First let us look at what your input value could look like.
A whole number like 64 or "1)".
A fraction string like "1/4".
A whole number plus a fraction string like "10 3/4" or "10-3/4".
With so many possible input variations I would look at using the Regular Expression object to identify which variation of the various inputs I have to process and then do the math. I would also use the "switch" statement so I only run the one conversion process that is needed and skip the other 2 options. I would also include a way to deal with a bad input value.
A possible function:
function ConvertFrac2Dec(cString)
// Convert a string of numberic values consisting of a whole number and fraciton string to a decimal number;
// invalid input will result in a return of a null value;
// convert numeric string with a fraction to a decimal number;
var nDecimal = null;
switch(true) {
case /^(\d*)$/.test(cString) :
nDecimal = RegExp.$1;
case /^(\d*)\/(\d*)$/.test(cString):
nDecimal = RegExp.$1 / RegExp.$2
case /^(\d*)[ -](\d*)\/(\d*)$/.test(cString):
nDecimal = Number(RegExp.$1) + Number((RegExp.$2 / RegExp.$3));
// all other strings;
nDecimal = null
return nDecimal;
} // end ConvertFrac2Dec function;
The custom calculation for the result field could be:
var nResult = ConvertFrac2Dec(this.getField("FractionString").value);
if(nResult == null)
app.alert("Invlid input for conversion from fractional string to decimal value", 1, 0);
event.vaue = "";
} else {
event.value = nResult;
You will have to adjust the input field name as needed.
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See Fraction to Decimal for a working example of the script. It also include validation of the input and a sample calculation using fractional values.