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I purchased the Adobe Acrobat Export PDF and I was under the impression that I could get E-signatures based on one of the advertised pop ups I attached below. After my purchase, the program is pushing me to upgrade to use that tool. Has anyone else encountered this issue?
1 Correct answer
Thank you for reaching out.
The Acrobat Export PDF service does not include the Acrobat Sign service. If you check the pop-ups you shared above, "Get signatures and track responses" is only marked for Acrobat Pro DC. It is not marked in the boxes for Acrobat Export PDF. Acrobat Export PDF only provides the additional service to export PDF to other format files.
You may also refer to the following help pages to check what is included in each of the services listed below:
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Thank you for reaching out.
The Acrobat Export PDF service does not include the Acrobat Sign service. If you check the pop-ups you shared above, "Get signatures and track responses" is only marked for Acrobat Pro DC. It is not marked in the boxes for Acrobat Export PDF. Acrobat Export PDF only provides the additional service to export PDF to other format files.
You may also refer to the following help pages to check what is included in each of the services listed below:
Adobe Acrobat Export PDF:
Adobe Acrobat PDF Pack:
Adobe Acrobat:
Let us know if you have any questions or referring to some other option.
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I appreciate you pointing out my oversight! My apologies. Thank you for the resources!
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You are welcome!
Let us know if we can be of any further help.