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Export of Hebrew text to Word did not work

New Here ,
Jul 26, 2018 Jul 26, 2018

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I purchased the Adobe service that lets me export PDFs to Word, for the $23/year subscription. But when I converted my Hebrew document to Word, it changed the Hebrew into a jumble of letters and symbols that made no sense at all ... and of course couldn't be translated through the Word  translation program. I'd like to know how I can fix this -- if there is another Cloud translation service that could do better than Adobe's default program for Hebrew and how I can get Adobe to use that one instead.

If it can't be fixed, I'd like to know how I can get my $23 back.

Here's an example from the document:

Original PDF::

הלחץ יהיה גדול יותר לפני שאתן להם אף אחד. אבל

הבחורים שלנו במצרים יצטרכו אז לסבול על לא עוול בכפם. אבל אני מציע שנעשה כך.

Adobe-generated Word version (BEFORE translation):

, N .inN  N en, 7nNtV 'l 7 ,n,, ,,,l n,n, yn,n

.,, i"'Rl)l'lW Y'l 'lN 7 N .c , ,,,Y N7 7Y ,, o, TN ,,, 1, 0,,1     1l?W c,,,n n






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