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I'm trying to convert a PDF file to Word, but get an error message, why is this?

New Here ,
Mar 23, 2018 Mar 23, 2018

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To my knowledge, my Adobe account is uptodate - the last payment was made on 7th January, 2018 from my MasterCard.

However, today when I display a PDF file and then click on the Tools tab, and Convert to a Word document, I get a pop-up box with an error message to the effect that an Error has occurred when trying to use AdobeExportPDF online.

I have tried with a variety of PDF files - with some it's been possible to save the file in Adobe as a .txt file - but always this message comes up.

Is there something wrong with my version? or the on-line software? or what?

Note: with some PDFs previously what I got back (when the system got past the above) was a Word file containing a full-page graphic, which wasn't what I was hopng to achieve. I was wanting to save the text as a text facsimile so that I could then process it in some other way.

Right now, this software is next to useless, and I'm wondering what I have spent my money on.....

Looking forward to a resolution to this impasse

best regards

Geoff Hawkes






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correct answers 1 Correct answer

Adobe Employee , Apr 13, 2018 Apr 13, 2018

Hi Geoffreyh,

Sorry to hear the inconvenience caused.

Adobe Export PDF is an online service, and that you can also access through the desktop application Adobe Reader DC.

As you have confirmed that the application isn't giving the appropriate result, then you may try the conversion via web browser-


Try the following troubleshooting steps to see if this helps.

  • You may check if there is any update which is pending for Adobe Reader DC, Open Adobe Reader DC>Help>Check for upda



Adobe Employee ,
Apr 13, 2018 Apr 13, 2018

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Hi Geoffreyh,

Sorry to hear the inconvenience caused.

Adobe Export PDF is an online service, and that you can also access through the desktop application Adobe Reader DC.

As you have confirmed that the application isn't giving the appropriate result, then you may try the conversion via web browser-


Try the following troubleshooting steps to see if this helps.

  • You may check if there is any update which is pending for Adobe Reader DC, Open Adobe Reader DC>Help>Check for update.
  • Click on the upper right hand side and try "Sign Out" and "Sign In" in the application once.
  • Also, you may check if there is any security software which might be causing interruption. For testing purpose, turn that off for a while.

(Antivirus software can help protect your computer against viruses and other security threats. In most cases, you shouldn't disable your antivirus software. If you have to temporarily disable it to install or activate other software, you should re-enable it as soon as you're done.)

If the problem still persist, then you may uninstall the application using cleaner tool- Download Adobe Reader and Acrobat Cleaner Tool - Adobe Labs  and download again- Adobe Acrobat Reader DC Install for all versions







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