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ich möchte eine PDF- Datei in Word-Datei konvertieren. Ein Abo besitze ich. Seit heute werde ich aber immer ins Internet weitergeleitet zur Abschließung eines Abos.
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Hi Doro.braun,
As I understand from the description above, you are not able to use the Adobe ExportPDF services as it's directing you to a page to purchase the subscription, Is that correct?
Please sign in to your account at with your Adobe ID and password and try to convert the PDF file. More about ExportPDF: Using Adobe Export PDF
If you want, you can install the free desktop version of Reader and can use the services of Export PDF. To download Reader DC: Adobe - Adobe Acrobat Reader DC Distribution
Hope this helps and keep us posted with the results.
Anand Sri.
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Das war keine Hilfe!!! Ich weiß, was ich tun muss. Es funktioniert aber nicht mehr!!!. I know what I have to do, but it doesn`t work since one week!!!!! I have payed for it but it doesn´t work.
Best regards
Dorothee Braun
Gesendet von Mail für Windows 10
Von: AnandSri
Gesendet: Freitag, 15. September 2017 20:12
An: Dorothee Braun
Betreff: pdf dateien werden nicht in wordumgewandelt obwohl ich ein Abo habe. Ich werde immer auf die Seite zumAbschluss eines neuen Abos weitergeleitet
pdf dateien werden nicht in word umgewandelt obwohl ich ein Abo habe. Ich werde immer auf die Seite zum Abschluss eines neuen Abos weitergeleitet
created by AnandSri in Document Cloud PDF services - View the full discussion
Hi Doro.braun,
As I understand from the description above, you are not able to use the Adobe ExportPDF services as it's directing you to a page to purchase the subscription, Is that correct?
Please sign in to your account at with your Adobe ID and password and try to convert the PDF file. More about ExportPDF: Using Adobe Export PDF
If you want, you can install the free desktop version of Reader and can use the services of Export PDF. To download Reader DC: Adobe - Adobe Acrobat Reader DC Distribution
Hope this helps and keep us posted with the results.
Anand Sri.
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Hi Doro.braun,
I apologize for the inconvenience caused. May I know what exactly not working.
Is it possible to share a screenshot of the error message you are getting?
How to share a document:
Have you tried the steps which I shared above, did you tried exporting the PDF using the online account?
Response awaited.
Anand Sri.