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Perché non riesco a trasformare un testo PDF in un testo WORD? Sono regolarmente abbonato.
Nonostante sia regolarmente abbonato, non riesco a trasformare un testo PDF in Word. Quando clicco su ESPORTA PDF non succede niente, la procedura si ferma lì e non riesco a proseguire. Qualcuno può aiutarmi?
Hello leop17861528
We apologize for the inconvenience caused, as per the description above, you are not able to convert a PDF file into a Word file, Is that correct?
The record shows that you have an active subscription to Adobe ExportPDF on your current Adobe ID, Please try to convert the PDF into Word through the URL on a different browser like Chrome, or Firefox, or Safari.
You may also use the free desktop version of Adobe Reader to convert the PDF into Wor
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Hello leop17861528
We apologize for the inconvenience caused, as per the description above, you are not able to convert a PDF file into a Word file, Is that correct?
The record shows that you have an active subscription to Adobe ExportPDF on your current Adobe ID, Please try to convert the PDF into Word through the URL on a different browser like Chrome, or Firefox, or Safari.
You may also use the free desktop version of Adobe Reader to convert the PDF into Word, just sign in with your current Adobe ID and password in Adobe Reader.
For more troubleshooting steps, you may refer to Troubleshooting Create PDF, Export PDF, Adobe Send, Fill & Sign … services(PDFPack or Document Cloud...
Hope this helps and let us know how it goes.
Anand Sri.