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Unable to share filled out document to Outlook to email

Explorer ,
Oct 31, 2017 Oct 31, 2017

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Ok so we have process where we get a customer to sign a document to accept delivery of items from our delivery drivers. When the driver gets the signature via Adobe Fill and Sign, they hit share with Outlook to generate an email to fax it into our EMR system.

However, in the past few days the attachments aren't attaching to the emails.

We are utilizing iPad Air 2's, some are running 11.0.3 others are running 11.0.2 or 11.0.1 and having the same issue. Some people have complained they have updated to 11.0.3 and gotten the problem but we have an ipad for testing here in the office that is running 11.0.3 that works great.

Some users we have had them go under Safari -> Advanced and disable JavaScript and it fixes the problem for some people and yet for others it doesn't. We have tried uninstalling and reinstalling Adobe Fill and Sign, and we are having and User uninstall Outlook. There haven't been any updates to Outlook that I can see in the last 4 days that the issue has started happening.

Any help with this would be great. thanks!






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Adobe Employee ,
Dec 25, 2017 Dec 25, 2017

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Hi Rhcross,

Sorry for the delay in response.

Have you tried updating apps on all the devices? The issue you are facing is this happening with iPad or with laptop/desktop machine?

-Tariq Dar





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