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Converting to images instead of text

New Here ,
Feb 05, 2018 Feb 05, 2018

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I just started paying for and using Adobe Export a few weeks ago, and at first it worked perfectly. But now, I keep trying to convert PDF's that are already text into Word documents and the converter won't do it. Every time I scan one document it turns the pages black, and the other document has some pages turn out as images instead of text while the other pages are fine. I tried both Chrome and Safari and neither browse works properly. What is the issue here?

Thank you,







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correct answers 1 Correct answer

Adobe Employee , Feb 05, 2018 Feb 05, 2018

Hello Kara,

We apologize for the inconvenience caused, as per the description above, you are not able to convert a PDF file into Word document, Is that correct?

With Adobe ExportPDF service, you can turn PDF files into editable Word, Excel and RTF documents. try exporting the PDF file using the URL https://cloud.acrobat.com/exportpdf and see if this brings any difference.

You may also refer to File conversion error | ExportPDF

Are you not able to export one specific PDF file or all the PDF files? H




Adobe Employee ,
Feb 05, 2018 Feb 05, 2018

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Hello Kara,

We apologize for the inconvenience caused, as per the description above, you are not able to convert a PDF file into Word document, Is that correct?

With Adobe ExportPDF service, you can turn PDF files into editable Word, Excel and RTF documents. try exporting the PDF file using the URL https://cloud.acrobat.com/exportpdf and see if this brings any difference.

You may also refer to File conversion error | ExportPDF

Are you not able to export one specific PDF file or all the PDF files? Have you tried exporting other PDF files?

If the issue is with one specific PDF file, Is it possible to share the PDF file with us so that we can try it at our end? To share the PDF file, use Adobe send to share the PDF file via private message How Do I Send Private Message

You may also refer to I am still unable to convert a pdf to a word doc. Need help!!!!!

Let us know how it goes and share your findings.


Anand Sri.





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