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Adobe Sign in NetSuite - How to make font larger?

New Here ,
Feb 16, 2022 Feb 16, 2022

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I am using adobe sign in NetSuite to automate sending purchase agreements to customers. I have text form tags in the form for signature lines. The problem is that the font is pretty small.


My code for one signature line is {{#Sender =Sig1_es_:sender:signature}}  {{$Sender }}.

{{$Sender }} being where the signature line will be at. Text is super small. I have tried adding {{#Sender =Sig1_es_:sender:signature:font(size=12)}} but that doesn't do anything when going to sign the document. Dimension also doesn't work with reference tags. It tells me that the reference can't find the definition or something similar.


The place that I am adding the text tag is a text field box, so I don't have the ability to change the font size of the "{". Not sure how to go about solving this issue.

Adobe Sign forms






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