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Auto populate a text field from a pulldown list in Adobe Acrobat DC Web form

New Here ,
Jan 29, 2022 Jan 29, 2022

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I am developing a series of Adobe forms that require Participant 1 to select Participant 2 and 3. Participant 1 most often will not know the email address of either of the other 2 Participants, so I created seperate dropdown lists for Participant 2 & 3 that have the names as choices and their email address as the Export Value. The Export Value is displayed in another text field (P2email) & (P3email) by using the Java Script [event.value = this.getField("Participant2").value;] which works great when opened in Adobe DC/Pro. When I open the PDF in Create a Web Form, both the P2email and P3email fields are present but all the email address is missing. This information is needed for Participant 1 to be able to submit the form. Any assistance would be appreciated. P.S. what I would ultimately like is to have Participant 1 to select P2 and P3 and have Adobe automatically fill the P1 and P2 fields during the sending process. 

My apologies for the long post, it is my first time posting here .

Adobe Sign forms , Web forms






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