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Can't apply signature in word

New Here ,
Jan 11, 2022 Jan 11, 2022

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Hi, I have Adobe sign, and all has been wroking fine until Friday. BaAsically, I click 'Send for Signature' and the Adobe sign box opens. I enter the contacts and then hit continue. A white box opens and then that's it. It can't seem to connect to my account to open the document. Normally a PDF copy would open for me to assign the signature fields, but that isn't happening. I can see the document in my Adobe account, so can add signatures in there, but it isn't the simple process it used to be.
I've signed out and back in, but the same issue still keeps happening.

Any ideas why I can no longer apply signatures without logging in to my account? Obviously it is linked OK or the documents wouldn't even be in my account.

User interface issues






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