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Can't match SOAP documeKeys to REST agreementIDs

New Here ,
May 02, 2021 May 02, 2021

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I know we are perilously late on this upgrade but I was just finishing (I thought) upgrading our system from SOAP to REST, but as I tested on some production data I came to a realization that the documentKeys we have saved from SOAP do not match the agreement IDs that exist in REST. 


As such, right now, we can't access old documents through the API because we only have the old document keys saved. I tried downloading all our agreements through the new API and then linking them in our data based on the name, but there seems to a maximum number of 10000 agreements that can be downloaded in one GET, and since we have more than that, this did not work. I am not sure what needs to be done to link an old SOAP documentKey to a a REST agreementID so we can continue accessing our agreements in the new system.


Any advice on this matter would be appreciated. Thanks in advance.

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