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Hi Adobe,
Let me explain my scenario where I’m stucked in Mac desktop application,
I have a mobile application where the private key is stored securely.
I want to push the certificate to the keychain securely from the desktop application and through API call desktop app will get the certificate from the mobile app.
So while pushing the certificate to keychain I am unable to change the private key reference to my C++ dynamic library (dylib) so that when I click on the certificate from the adobe certificate signing list, this dylib will get called and it will perform signing on the server side as it happens similarly in cryptographic token but I’m not using any hardware here.
First thing where I’m stucked is how to list my certificate on adobe pdf signing because it is without private key, it is not listing the user certificate but i am able to add the certificate in login keychain. Second thing how I will give reference of my .dylib file which will help in performing signing on server side when we click on the certificate.
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