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Changes Options Based on Input?

New Here ,
Mar 12, 2021 Mar 12, 2021

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I am working on creating a webform (employee change form) that our admins can complete and send for signature. I would like to make one form that all departments can use.


For instance, I would like the employee to able able to choose the department (drop-down menu) and the options for pay grade and position change based on the department chosen. Is this possible? 


For example:

Employee options the form and chooses the "department". From the drop-down list, they see the options (Police, Sanitation, Parks). They choose Police. The choice they made would give them a new dropdown with only titles relevant to that department in the  "title" section. Once the department title selection is made, it would auto-fill the grade/pay. 


*Note* Each position in our city has a grade that has an hourly rate attached to it. 

Web forms






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