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Drop down list turns blank on fillable form when user requests it to get e-signed via email

New Here ,
Oct 10, 2024 Oct 10, 2024

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Hello everybody, hopefully I can get some assistance with this as it has been driving me a bit crazy.


A user downloaded a fillable form from our schools website and filled out the fillable fields using Adobe Acrobat Pro.  The fillable fields included check boxes, text boxes, and drop down lists.  Whenever the user sends to to get signed using the "request e-signature" feature, the reciever can see all the populated fillable fields minus the drop down lists.  The contenets that were inputed in the drop lists are blank.  She sent it me and I can seem to interact with the dropdow lists but I cannot see or input anything.  Its almost like the drop lists get corrupted when they are sent for e signing.


Can I please get some help with this?  I have searched various forms on here and I cannot seem to find anything.   Most of the dropdown list forms pertain to people who are actually making the forms.  This is not a form that was made by me or the end user, its a form that was downloaded from our schools website for teacher evaluation.  I would appreciate it if we can find a remediation for this issue.




Adobe Sign forms , Send documents






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