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editing metadata on eSignature

New Here ,
Jan 20, 2021 Jan 20, 2021

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we need the following info gathered with documents is e signed.  i've been told it cannot make these changes.  has anyone else tried?  

  • the date and time stamps associated with the e-signature;
  • for e-signatures provided using a web browser, user-agent information, including type of operating system, type of web browser, device type, IP address associated with the device, the geographic region from which the web browser was accessed, and the date and time of access;
  • for e-signatures provided using a mobile application, the type of operating system, type of web browser, the IP address associated with the mobile device, the make and model of the mobile device, geolocation information, and the time zone in which the device was used; and
  • for digital signatures, the algorithm identifier, the algorithm parameters, the date on which signature was verified, the validation token, the certificate issuer, the certification service provider, the electronic certificate, the electronic certificate serial number, and the encryption algorithm.
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