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Enable Commenting tool for Signers

New Here ,
Apr 19, 2022 Apr 19, 2022

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I'm trying to figure out a way to use Adobe e-sign for our formal engineering reviews. Is there a way to enable the commenting tools for the review Signers? I need them to be able to comment on the attached documents directly before applying their signature. I've tried using a fillable form item on the review form itself, but with a lot of these documents, there just isn't enough room to type out the details of each issue, for each Signer. Using the Comments tool would be the preferred way of tracking the reviewers comments. Since I create all the reviews for all the engineering departments, I really want to avoid having to create a review to capture comments and then having to send out a separate form to capture the signatures. We require a signature regardless of whether the review passes without comment or not, for verification purposes. Is this possible or am I just wasting my time here?

Adobe Sign forms , Manage security and compliance , Product information , User interface issues






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