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Encrypted Document

New Here ,
Dec 08, 2021 Dec 08, 2021

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Hi all, 


I could really use some help please. 


I created a doccument on Word and uploaded it to Adobe sign and added in the text boxes/tick boxes etc that I needed to as it is a questionnaire. I emailed it using Adobe sign to a user and they received it in the correct format, however in some of the text boxes the font was huge and I need to edit the doccument to make the font smaller as well as add some more questions. However, when I went to do this, it says I cannot edit the doccument as it is encrypted. I did not encrypt the doccument or add a password so I am very confused.


I'm sure as you can probably tell technology is not my strong point therefore some support would be greatly appreciated.


Many thanks in advance!

Adobe Sign forms , Manage documents , Web forms






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