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I have contact support for this error and they keep asking me to contact Enterprise Team through call. I can't call them and I am using a Developer Account which I believe should not be a problem.
Error: The URL provided is not a valid Webhook URL.
Here's my code clearly setting the Header base on the ClientId,
[WebInvoke(Method = "GET", RequestFormat = WebMessageFormat.Json, BodyStyle = WebMessageBodyStyle.Wrapped,
ResponseFormat = WebMessageFormat.Json, UriTemplate = "AdobeSignNotification")]
public string AdobeSignGetVerified()
var currentWebOperationContext = WebOperationContext.Current;
var outgoingResponseHeaders = currentWebOperationContext.OutgoingResponse.Headers;
var incomingRequestOrigin = currentWebOperationContext.IncomingRequest.Headers["Origin"];
outgoingResponseHeaders.Add("Access-Control-Allow-Origin", incomingRequestOrigin);
var headerClientId = currentWebOperationContext.IncomingRequest.Headers["X-ADOBESIGN-CLIENTID"];
if (headerClientId != null && headerClientId.ToString() == "CB*********************5q") {
outgoingResponseHeaders = WebOperationContext.Current.OutgoingResponse.Headers;
outgoingResponseHeaders.Add("X-AdobeSign-ClientId", headerClientId);
var statusCode = WebOperationContext.Current.OutgoingResponse.StatusCode;
statusCode = System.Net.HttpStatusCode.OK;
return string.Empty;
Was able to fix.
I think the documentation should give more emphasize on this.
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Was able to fix.
I think the documentation should give more emphasize on this.
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Hi Solem,
I had the same issue. I've now followed the instructions for verification, having read your post, but I'm still getting the error: 'The URL provided is not a valid Webhook URL'. When I hit my webhook from Postman, I am seeing the correct client ID in the response for the header 'X-AdobeSign-ClientId'. Before I log a case with support, do you have any thoughts on what else may be wrong in my case?
Thank you.
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Hi Jim,
I hope you have fixed your problem. If not just double check the URL you are pointing to.
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Thank you. Yes I got it fixed. In the end... it was actually an issue in a script I have running at the webhook. Now I'm receiving and processing posts to the webhook OK.
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I ran into both the verification method issue and resolved that, but also my endpoint was only configured to accept POST requests. If you still find that you're receiving the error, you'll also need to accept GET requests to that URL for verification.
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Can you share your source code for receiving webhook?
Mine suddenly not working.
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Hi Solem:
Good day~
We got the similar question and could you help us..We also fail on setting webhook and have no idea what is going on...We are not sure what you mean the URL are pointing to...If you have any samples to share with us...ex firewall, IIS portal .....
Thank you very much~
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You need to have a Get and Post of the Same API Url.
The get should follow this documentation.
The Post will handle what is being sent by the Webhook.
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Good day~
Thanks for the reply. Let me try it and see if it works. Thanks again~
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Gosh this might be one of the worst error messages I've seen in a long time. If anyone else is stuck here, what's going on is that unlike just about every other webhook setup I've gone through, this setup actually CALLS THE ENDPOINT and then determines whether the response is correct before saving.
If the response doesn't match the expected response, then it will give you an error saying your URL is invalid. Your URL is fine, your implementation is invalid. You need to actually implement the endpoint before setting up the webhook.
In my experience, no other webhook setup works this way, and the messaging on this error could definitely be made more clear. Perhaps "The provided URL did not respond with the expected message, please check the webhook implementation guide and try again once the webhook is implemented"
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Here's some basic code that will get this endpoint accepted and let you move on (using Next.js at least):
import { NextRequest, NextResponse } from 'next/server';
export async function GET(req: NextRequest) {
var clientid = req.headers.get('x-adobesign-clientid');
const response = new NextResponse('Webhook received', { status: 200 });
response.headers.set('X-AdobeSign-ClientId', clientid);
return response;
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I have validate azure function webhook url and it's properly executed. but still shown error while creating ne w webhook.
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Just check the webhook you created it cannot be created using them:
Perhaps this link can be of assistance.!adobedocs/adobe-sign/master/