I am trying to add form fields to my transient document using the Adobe SIGN API.
I have the JSON format all correct but I am getting this error "MISSING_REQUIRED_PARAM\",\"message\":\"Valid agreement state is missing. Name is missing. Valid SignatureType is missing. Valid FileInfos is missing. ParticipantSetsInfo Info is missing.\"}"
The error code is 400
Below is my JSON
{ "documentCreationInfo": { "recipientSetInfos": [ { "recipientSetRole": "SIGNER", "recipientSetMemberInfos": [ { "email": "recep@gmail.com" } ] } ], "signatureType": "ESIGN", "message": "Please review and sign this document", "signatureFlow": "SENDER_SIGNATURE_NOT_REQUIRED", "name": "Metrix Testing", "fileInfos": [ { "transientDocumentId": "My document ID" } ], "formFields": [ { "readOnly": true, "location": { "pageNumber": "2", "top": "100", "left": "100", "width": "100", "height": "30" }, "contentType": "SIGNER_EMAIL", "hidden": "0", "defaultValue": "recep@gmail.com", "name": "Signer Email (Applicant-1)", "inputType": "TEXT_FIELD" } ] } }
What am I doing wrong?
Thank you