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How do I delete an Adobe Sign developer 'environment'?

May 17, 2021 May 17, 2021

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So I created an environment after creating a free developer account (e.g. Account A). The purpose of this was to test the APIs in a 'sandbox' environment instead of on our enterprise environment. 


The thing is, I created this dev account (Account A) with an alias email address from my work.

For example:

  • [fullname]@org.com (Account A)
  • [username]@org.com (logs in via org's Single Sign On)


So to avoid confusion I decided to delete the free dev account (Account A) and create another account with my personal email address (Account B). In doing so, I thought the free dev environment (from Account A) would be deleted too but it turns out, it's still online and this is an issue because the account linked to my personal email address (Account B) is actually a user on this free dev environment (from Account A).


I want to create a new developer environment with the account linked to my personal email address (Account B). 


My questions are:

  • How do I delete the free dev environment (from Account A) if the account is already deleted (Account A is already deleted)?
  • If it's not possible, how do I remove myself (Account B) from an environment (i.e. How does Account B remove themselves from the environment created by Account A)?


Any help or discussion will be appreciated, I'm a bit lost... 🙂

Configure accounts , Login issues






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