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How do I edit recipients while working with fields?

Community Beginner ,
Sep 14, 2022 Sep 14, 2022

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I'm a longtime user of DocuSign. I'm experimenting with Adobe Acrobat sign (both inside Acrobat DC and on the Document Cloud web app).



  • Once I've added a couple of recipients and have started placing form fields, how do I add or edit recipients (e.g., if I realize I've forgotten someone and need to add another person)?
  • In Acrobat DC (Request Signatures), if I've added someone as a cc:, how do I confirm this once I've started placing form fields? I can't seem to find a list of cc: people, and there's no way to go back to the recipient entry screen.


Basically, it seems like there's no way BACK in Acrobat DC to edit the recipients (or even see the cc: people) once you've past the email-entry screen.


And in both Acrobat and Document Cloud, it seems like it might be impossible to add or change a cc: person (or maybe add or change an email recipient).


The only way I can find to make any changes is to start over.


Is this really the case? If so, I'm definitely not giving up DocuSign, even though Adobe's signature solution is included with my subscription. In my legal practice, this could cost me hours of work (and my clients thousands of dollars). And I could even be sued because I theoretically could have mistyped a cc: and have no way of confirming who's actually getting a copy.

Adobe Sign forms , How to sign , Manage documents , Send documents , User interface issues , Workflow designer






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