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Is there any way to force my recipients to use the "Draw" signature option? I could not figure out how to do so....
5 Correct answers
Hello Furmanj,
You can go to Account tab->Account settings->Signature Preferences and check "Require signers to use a biometric signature" and save.
What you are asking is possible, but it's not a per transaction setting, and requires an Admin to make the setting change.
So once you configure the account to use only drawn signatures, then all transaction sent will have this requirement (until you change the setting again).
Also be aware that only agreements sent after the setting is changed will be impacted. You cannot change the signature preferences for agreements "in-flight".
That said, Log in as your account Admin
- Navigate to Account > Ac
Hi Senaly,
You can disable the digital signature option from the account settings. In the Adobe Sign account, go to Account > Account Settings > Digital Signatures.
Unmark both the check boxes provided for "Download and Sign with Acrobat" and "Cloud Sigantures".
Hope that helps.
Let us know if you have any questions.
Oops. Found the answer.
While logged in, click on your profile picture on the upper right-hand side of the window.
Under Acrobat, go to Settings.
In the "Document cloud settings" window, click on "Edit Signature Settings".
Under "Signature Preferences" --> "Allow recipients to sign and initial by", only have the middle option checked ("Drawing a handwritten signature and initials on the screen using mouse, stylus or their finger").
I also checked the "No one" option under the "Allow recipients to us
Thank you for reaching out.
If you require only the drawn signature from the signer, the feature is available Under Account Settings.
Please use the steps suggested below:
- Open the link and sign in using your Adobe ID.
- click on the profile icon and select settings.
- Go to E-Sign settings and click on hyperlink Edit settings.
- Click on Account Settings > Signature Preferences.
- Make the changes to the Signature preferences as
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What you are asking is possible, but it's not a per transaction setting, and requires an Admin to make the setting change.
So once you configure the account to use only drawn signatures, then all transaction sent will have this requirement (until you change the setting again).
Also be aware that only agreements sent after the setting is changed will be impacted. You cannot change the signature preferences for agreements "in-flight".
That said, Log in as your account Admin
- Navigate to Account > Account Settings > Signature Preferences > Allow recipients to sign or initial by
- Enable Drawing a handwritten signature...
- This setting is available to all levels of service
- Disable the other two settings
- Save the page
- Send the new transaction.
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Is there a way to have different values on each sub-account.
eg is the Master Adobe account allows all options, but for sub-accounts only Draw can be enabled.
The 'Account / Account Settings' tab is not visible on sub accounts
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In accounts with groups, you can edit the group level settings (per group).
If you are a Group Admin, your "Account" tab will say "Group".:
The ability to edit group level settings are permitted by the Account Admin. If you don't see the ability to edit your group settings, talk with your account level admin and see if they will grant you group level settings access
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But can there be different signature preferences on sub-Groups?
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The meaningful objects in Adobe Sign (in terms of permission inheritance for signature options) are: Account > Group > User
There is no object that exists between the Group and the individual User, so I'm not sure what you mean by sub-groups.
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For a signature block, I would like to force signers to do a drawn signature and not let them type (resulting in the script font). Is this possible?
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Hello Furmanj,
You can go to Account tab->Account settings->Signature Preferences and check "Require signers to use a biometric signature" and save.
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Thanks for your help, but i'm not seeing an "account" tab anywhere. In my document cloud, eSign services, I only have Dashboard, Manage, Send, and Reports.
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It seems that you the user in account and not Account admin. The Account tab is shown to account admin of your EchoSign account. You need to contact him/her for same.
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I'm not sure we're on the same page here, although maybe this isn't an option that's available to me anyway? I have an Adobe CC account through my university's license, but there doesn't appear to be any admin/user relationship setup, nor is there anyone I could ask. My Dashboard looks like the image below. Am I just missing this option? Thanks!
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Given the current situation, we are opting for digital signatures from clients instead of having them come into the office to sign docs. We can send all of the instructions we want showing how to sign using the Draw option, but people still type their signatures in. We can't accept typed signatures.
Is there ANY way to limit/specify the options for signatures so that the only way to sign is by drawing?
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Oops. Found the answer.
While logged in, click on your profile picture on the upper right-hand side of the window.
Under Acrobat, go to Settings.
In the "Document cloud settings" window, click on "Edit Signature Settings".
Under "Signature Preferences" --> "Allow recipients to sign and initial by", only have the middle option checked ("Drawing a handwritten signature and initials on the screen using mouse, stylus or their finger").
I also checked the "No one" option under the "Allow recipients to use their saved signature" section.
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I have a requirement to only accept graphical (not digital signatures) on a pdf form and confirm that the doc is signed before submitting. Is there a way to do this?
Thank you
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Hi Senaly,
You can disable the digital signature option from the account settings. In the Adobe Sign account, go to Account > Account Settings > Digital Signatures.
Unmark both the check boxes provided for "Download and Sign with Acrobat" and "Cloud Sigantures".
Hope that helps.
Let us know if you have any questions.
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Thank you Meenakshi. Unfortunately I've realised I can't use Adobe Sign.
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Hello, is there a way to make or only give the option for someone to sign using a drawn signature? We have a specific document that will not allow a typed signature.
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I am in a similary position. Have you found a solution to this?
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Is it possible to exclude the option "Type" from the signature field in order to get a real drawn signature instead of somebody just typing in his name?
If you've already added your signature or initials, just select it from the Sign options, and then click at the place in the PDF where you want to add your signature. Skip to the next step.
If you are signing for the first time, you see the Signature or Initials panel. Below is an example of the Signature panel.
- Type: Type your name in the field. You can choose from a small selection of signature styles; click Change Style to view a different style.
- Draw: Draw your signature in the field.
- Image: Browse and select an image of your signature.
- Save Signature: When this check box is selected, and you're signed in to Acrobat Reader or Acrobat, the added signature is saved securely in Adobe Document Cloud for reuse.
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Thank you for reaching out.
If you require only the drawn signature from the signer, the feature is available Under Account Settings.
Please use the steps suggested below:
- Open the link and sign in using your Adobe ID.
- click on the profile icon and select settings.
- Go to E-Sign settings and click on hyperlink Edit settings.
- Click on Account Settings > Signature Preferences.
- Make the changes to the Signature preferences as required.
Check the screenshot below:
Let us know if you have any questions.
Marking a reply or response “Correct” will help future users with the same issue quickly identify the correct answer.
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We have had the exact opposite request. To improve our process turn around time, our team has asked that we exclude the draw option and allow only typed signatures. It is possible to remove the Draw option for all users that send documents for a signature?
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Yes, just unclick the drawing setting. See above picture.
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I work for a bank and some forms, such as signature cards, require signatures to be drawn, not typed. Most internal documents only need typed signature. How can I eleminate the ability to type signatures on individual forms or in custom workflows? I know typed signatures can be prevented on a global basis, but that is not a solution in our environment. I am also aware that we can enable "written" signatures, but we do not want to force "wet" signatures.
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I am in a similar position. Have you received any guidance?
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Since converting our individual licences for Acrobat Pro to a team account I am not able to locate the settings that allow us to force receipients to use the "Draw" signature option. Below is a screen shot of the Signature Preferences we had for the individual licenses. Is there a way to force the "Draw" signature option on the Acrobat Pro team account?