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I've got a template set up in Adobe Sing for Salesforce, and on the agreement template Recipients tab I click the "Add recipient from object or run-time variable." I click that and select "Runtime variable" in the dialog that pops up. What do I put in the Variable Name field? Where does that value get set?
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The runtime variable name can be anything you like. You just need to reference the name when loading your agreement. In my example below, the Id in for the runtime variable references a supplementary document stored in Salesforce.
Runtime Variable Name = Agreement123
When loading the agreement from a custom button you would use:
{!URLFOR('/apex/echosign_dev1__AgreementTemplateProcess', null, [masterId=CustomObject__c.Id,templateId='abcdefg123456', Agreement123='1234566789']) }
You can also have multiple attachements. So if you wish to add another variable e.g. TermsConditions.... you would add it to the string. E.g.
{!URLFOR('/apex/echosign_dev1__AgreementTemplateProcess', null, [masterId=CustomObject__c.Id,templateId='abcdefg123456', Agreement123='1234566789', TermsConditions='12324324234']) }
These runtime variables are easiest to set when you reference a Salesforce Id.
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Hi ,
I am geeting this error if I am adding run time variable into my url can any one help me with this.
Url - {!URLFOR('/apex/echosign_dev1__AgreementTemplateProcess',null,[masterId = Quote1__c.Id , templateId='a4kxxxxxxxxxxx , SenderEmail1 = User.Email])}
Error - Insert failed. First exception on row 1; first error: REQUIRED_FIELD_MISSING, Required fields are missing: [Title]: [Title]
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Did you get a solution on this ?