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Is there a way to share my templates with users in another company?

New Here ,
Feb 02, 2022 Feb 02, 2022

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Hello,  I work for a large organization that has several "companies" with different users based on the section of the organization they work for.  I have been assigned licenses in two of these companies, but only seem to be able to use one of the company groups as the other isn't available unless I'm on the administration page.


The problem is that most of the templates I have built need to be shared with people in the company I don't seem to have direct access to (I posted a screenshot of the message I get when I try to share with someone in the 2nd organziation below).  I'm trying to think of possible work arounds such as getting another email set up so that the two accounts are separate and not tied to the same email, but then when I try to export my templates all the fields get reset and rebuilding them all would be a nightmare.


Is there an easy way to switch between my two accounts that I'm not seeing?


If not, is there a way to export my templates without having to rebuild everything?




Adobe Sign forms , Configure accounts






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