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Power Automate - Get PDF Signed Agreement

New Here ,
Aug 24, 2023 Aug 24, 2023

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Hi All,

I have created an Adobe Sign group with me as Admin and a few people as memebers/users og the group. I have built a power app that allow to the user groups to generate agreements and send for signature (with Adobe Sign) to other persons within the company.


Each time an agreement is sent, the Agreement ID is registsred in a sharepoint list. There is another automation that, for each of those Agreements ID, checks if signed or not. Here comes the issue: i can't access the agreement (access denined) even if i have a group and i'm a owner.


Below a screenshot of the issue:




Also, this is the way i populated the connector:



I know that when the agreement is sent, it use the connection of the person using the app. So if that person belong to my group and i'm the admin of the group, if i put his email address in the connector (picture above) i would expect to successuflly find the agreement.


Would you have any suggestion ?

Thank you so much 🙂 


Manage documents , Send documents , SharePoint and Salesforce integration






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