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Question: Adobe Sign

Explorer ,
Jun 13, 2023 Jun 13, 2023

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I have couple of questuions related to Adobe Sign , it will be great if someone can help us on the same !!


Find below list of questions:


1. Can we skip aggreement email (review & sign) sending process for end customer?

2. Adobe Sign webform: apart from formfield (api path) api any other way to add dynamic fiellds in web-forms?

3. Web forms & agreement are both suitable for CCA use case but which one is recomanded by adobe?

use case: multi step form & then a adobe sign page with pre-field some of the data like name, email etc.

4. The signed documents are maintained in Adobe Sign for how many days/months (time period)?

5. Can we override email related settings for a group ?

6. Is there any rate limit on Adobe Sign APIs to create web form or agreement?

7. How many transection is there for a user, group & account ?

8. How many maximum web forms/agreements can be created over a period like 6 months/1 year? Is there any upper limit?

9. Can we also get audit logs from Adobe Sign ?

10. Are there any out of the box connectors/tools to store signed documents in for e.g. Salesforce CRM or other external tools if needed?

11. How much max stoarge provided by adobe sign for a an account to store signed doucment , is there any upper limit?







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Community Expert ,
Jun 13, 2023 Jun 13, 2023

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in the future, to find the best place to post your message, use the list here, https://community.adobe.com/


p.s. i don't think the adobe website, and forums in particular, are easy to navigate, so don't spend a lot of time searching that forum list. do your best and we'll move the post if it helps you get responses.


<moved from using the community>





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