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Sending one document to a signer, to then be split into multiple documents to be sent to others

New Here ,
Feb 26, 2021 Feb 26, 2021

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I am needing to know if there is a way to send a large document to one individual signer first, lets say yearly contracts for example, to be signed and then split into individual documents to be sent to the individual signers, or employees in this example, to finish their portion of the signing.  So what I am needing is:

- One large document sent to head of business for him to sign all the contracts at once (rather than him having to click through 50+ documents to sign individually on his account)

- Documents then split according to the employee they go to and sending to those individual employees.


I am hoping there is a way to do this to take a little of the workload off the initial signer.

Adobe Sign forms , How to sign , Manage documents , Workflow designer






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