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Significant Template Issues with new Adobe Sign Interface

New Here ,
Nov 02, 2023 Nov 02, 2023

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We're experiencing significant issues with the new web browser user interface in Adobe Acrobat Sign. There appear to be a number of errors when applying form field templates to an agreement:


  • Fields applied to incorrect recipientsOur documents typically have Person 1 (to sign first) and Person 2 (to sign after Person 1). Our form field template, which was created in the old interface, has fields assigned to Person 1, and different fields to Person 2. When we apply the template in the new interface, Person 1 is assigned the fields meant for Person 2, and the fields meant for Person 1 are unassigned.
  • Field formatting is not applied per templateIt appears that font formatting in the form field template is being overwritten/disapplied by the document defaults when the template is applied to a document.


Additionally there are several further issues which have arisen with the new interface:


  • Notification to sign is sent to second recipient immediatelyPreviously if there was sequential signing i.e. Person 1 to sign before Person 2, Person 2 would only receive a notification in the desktop application after Person 1 had signed. Person 2 now receives this notification immediately on sending the document. This links through to see the document, but obviously Person 2 cannot sign at this point (which is the correct behaviour).
  • Adobe Sign does not pick up {name} field for end userIt appears that in the "sending" user interface Adobe Sign is not picking up the document {name} when sending the document to the recipient.


Overall our experience with the new interface has been highly disappointing. We have been using Adobe Acrobat Sign for about a year and it was great. I run a software company, so am not averse to change, however there has been a significant degrading of functionality after the change and we are considering other solutions.




Send documents , User interface issues






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Adobe Employee ,
Dec 04, 2023 Dec 04, 2023

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Hi Alexander26893172vher,


Thank you for reaching out, and sorry about the delayed response.


If you still experience these issues, would you mind sharing the screen recording of the workflow? Share the template you are using so we can replicate the behavior. Also, check if it happens with the new templates or all templates.

We will get this behavior checked.








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New Here ,
Jan 22, 2024 Jan 22, 2024

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We are also experience some simalar issues with already-created templates. Fields aren't assigned to the proper person and the names of the fieds aren't correct as well as the sizes. When I open the template to edit it, it looks just fine.





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