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something has interrupted delivery of notification emails

New Here ,
Apr 20, 2023 Apr 20, 2023

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we've been using signatures within Acrobat DC for a few years; until yesterday, we've received an email and a desktop notification for each signature on a document, as well as notices of undeliverable documents and final signed documents

however for the last two documents we sent for signatures, one yesterday and one today, desktop notifications came in normally, but no email was received; we have not changed any settings — both Email and Event are checked for "Agreement signed or approved"; the "Manage all agreements" tab within Acrobat DC shows these two agreements as completed with three signatures each


we have checked spam folders, etc. with no luck; used the "send a test message" feature in the settings and the expected email came through immediately

are there any other settings or configuration we should be checking? 

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Adobe Employee ,
Apr 21, 2023 Apr 21, 2023

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Hi _garbanzito,


Thank you for reaching out.


Did you check if this happens with a new transaction as well?

Try sending a test document to your alternate email to check.

Could you please confirm the date on which you did send these documents?









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New Here ,
Apr 21, 2023 Apr 21, 2023

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as i mentioned, i did send a test email and it did arrive right away; i did that shortly before posting; we have had new transactions today, and they arrived timely, but read on …

the two agreements for which we had received no emails were dated 19 and 20 April; the latter got its last signature shortly after 5 p.m. (MT) and we got the desktop notification right away, but no email

as it happens, at about 8:30 p.m. (MT) yesterday (well after my post was made), the missing notification emails for both these agreements started rolling in; the emails were time-stamped as if they had been sent at the appropriate times on the 19th and 20th (the Date headers in the email), however the Received headers in the email headers told the real story — Adobe's server (echosign.com) sent them to our email service (Fastmail) betweeen 3 and 27 hours after the purported time they were sent; it seems pretty clear they were backed up on Adobe's end

since things are rolling again today, i'm assuming this was a one-time glitch, but in case you want more details to track down an issue below are the relevant headers (redacted) for one of the delayed emails:

Return-Path: <bounces@mail.na1.adobesign.com>
Received: from compute2.internal (compute2.nyi.internal [])
	 by sloti41n22 (Cyrus 3.9.0-alpha0-372-g43825cb665-fm-20230411.003-g43825cb6) with LMTPA;
	 Thu, 20 Apr 2023 22:35:22 -0400
X-Cyrus-Session-Id: sloti41n22-1682044522-3657871-2-4749426443247942765
X-Sieve: CMU Sieve 3.0
X-Attached: MOU Short [confidential] - signed.pdf
X-Resolved-to: [confidential]@fastmail.fm
X-Delivered-to: signatures@[confidential].com
X-Mail-from: bounces@mail.na1.adobesign.com
Received: from mx2 ([])
  by compute2.internal (LMTPProxy); Thu, 20 Apr 2023 22:35:22 -0400
Received: from mx2.messagingengine.com (localhost [])
	by mailmx.nyi.internal (Postfix) with ESMTP id D52E86A012A
	for <signatures@[confidential].com>; Thu, 20 Apr 2023 22:35:21 -0400 (EDT)
Received: from mx2.messagingengine.com (localhost [])
    by mx2.messagingengine.com (Authentication Milter) with ESMTP
    id 46D1EFDCA53;
    Thu, 20 Apr 2023 22:35:21 -0400
Received: from relay.useast1.utility.echosign.com (relay.useast1.utility.echosign.com [])
	(using TLSv1.2 with cipher ADH-AES256-GCM-SHA384 (256/256 bits))
	(No client certificate requested)
	by mx2.messagingengine.com (Postfix) with ESMTPS
	for <signatures@[confidential].com>; Thu, 20 Apr 2023 22:35:21 -0400 (EDT)
Date: Wed, 19 Apr 2023 16:39:30 -0700 (PDT)
From: Adobe Sign <adobesign@adobesign.com>
Reply-To: Adobe Sign <adobesign@adobesign.com>
To: [confidential]
Message-ID: <846285355.1429021.1681947570599@event-b1.in.na1dc1.echosign.com>
Subject: MOU Short [confidential], and 1 more is Signed and Filed!






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