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Which signature field type for a form used in a medical office

Explorer ,
Jan 20, 2023 Jan 20, 2023

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Hello, I am building a pdf form using Acrobat which is intended for use at a dental clinic, as a waiver for each patient to sign before undergoing a dental procedure. 

The intended workflow that will require this document would be the following:

  1. Patient and doctor discuss the procedure that will be performed on them
  2. Doctor would hand over an iPad or tablet to the patient, where the form in question would be preloaded
  3. Patient would fill in their name, then read a few clauses regarding the work that the doctor will be performing on them and must initial each of the clauses, then to complete the form, they would sign, date and provide an email address where the patient would like to receive a signed copy of the waiver, then the doctor would add his/her signature and complete the form, 
  4. A copy should then be automatically sent to the patient to the email address they provided, and another copy should be sent to a default email for the medical clinic's records.


I am almost finished with the form, but I can't figure out which type of signature field would be the best option for the workflow I just described, since ideally, the patient wouldn't receive a blank copy of the form beforehand, but instead would read it on the tablet provided at the clinic during consultation before a dental procedure. 


Does this make sense and if so, is this possible? 

Adobe Sign forms , How to sign






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Explorer ,
Jan 22, 2023 Jan 22, 2023

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Hello?  Can anyone please advise?  






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