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Worst Support for Adobe Sign Enterprise Accounts

New Here ,
May 24, 2022 May 24, 2022

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We have been using Adobe Sign Enterprise plan for few years now. Once our transacrtions are close to exaust, the renewal process take ages from Adobe. In most of time renewal proces does not happen even all transactions are used up. After that we are allowed to use 200 addtional transactions till renewal. This 200 will be set off againts the renewal number of transactions. But this time we are allowed to only 100 transactions. Now there are no way we can use Adobe Sign unless Adobe renews it.


Why its taking so long Adobe to renew it specially for enterprise customers? As a customer we dont have access to do it our self. Even our resller are required to beg Adobe India. PO and even payment also done upfront by reseller, however Adobe India taking days for remewal.


Isnt there any easy for enterprise customers to do this process. Even Support does not take these issues telling us they cannot do anything for enterprise customers who deal with a reseller. I need an easy way for this. Also I need a contact from Adobe team thoe who handle Enterprise customers.


Very frustrated with Adobe service.

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