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Enable MR Learning Experiences

New Here ,
Jan 17, 2025 Jan 17, 2025

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Aero Team,

I am an instructional designer experienced in developing XR learning experiences for large enterprises and am currently featuring Aero as part of my master's thesis in (Master of Science in Instructional Design Technology). 


I want to humbly suggest a feature that will unlock mixed reality instruction sets for enterprise frontline workers. Currently, we mostly use Microsoft HoloLens 2 which, as most of us know, is getting phased out. Enterprises are now scrambling for replacement devices to deliver on-the-job instruction and training via MR for their employees. 


Aero currently allows creators to anchor to images, which is great. I tested it, and was able to get an experience to anchor to an image of a QR code. "Great!" - I thought - "Now I can build an experience around a clients' CAD model of their motorcycle (for example), place the anchor on a defined surface in the authoring application, and enable students to easily anchor to the physical motorcycle precisely by using the image scan." This worked initially, however, as soon as my device camera looks away from the image I anchored to, the whole experience disappears! I think this may be for some art studio stuff, but Aero has proven functional for XR learning experiences that enterprises are willing to pay good money for. If you simply make this a toggle (On means the scene objects remain on, even if the camera does not detect the anchor image, Off means the scene objects disappear [current design]) this tech will truly have the potential to enhance training and on-the-job support for frontline workers and generate revenue for your customers, which benefits Adobe by extension.


Please feel free to reach out with any questions,


Idea No status
Feature request




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