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Capture quit syncing

New Here ,
Oct 13, 2020 Oct 13, 2020

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My Adobe Capture stopped syncing after first use. The first day I used it I collected 80 patterns and synced to CC fine. The 2nd day I collected 140 more patterns and none of them will sync. 


Hardware: Pixel 2XL, Android 11 - everything up to date


I have only one Adobe CC account with 248mb of 20GB used. I have logged Capture out and back in many times, forced library to sync 100's of times, changed wifi networks, checked CC library online and only have the first 80 files, Force Stop'd the app, cleared the app cache, rebooted the phone... everything but uninstall because I'm afraid to lose the 140 patterns.


I don't know what else to do, except cancel Adobe CC and give up and go back to manual creation that's far less stressful and develops the creative mind. Maybe that's what the universe wants me to do...




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Adobe Employee ,
Oct 15, 2020 Oct 15, 2020

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Sorry to hear you are facing issues while using the Capture app. In order to solve this issue, I would like to figure out what is happening.

First, can you check a couple of things for me:

* When you log in to Adobe Creative Cloud can you see any of your Capture libraries?

* Check your wifi/data connection; use your mobile browser (on the same device) to navigate to any site that isn't cached.

* Try forcing sync in the problem library; swipe/pull down from top to bottom in library that won't sync. Then try logging in to Adobe Creative Cloud to see if your wok has synced.

* If the above steps don't solve the issue, can you check if syncing is blocked for the newly created patterns in the problem library as well as in the new library?

* Do you see any blank pattern(while/grey) thumbnail in your library? 


Let me know how things are going.






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Community Beginner ,
Oct 30, 2020 Oct 30, 2020

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I'm having similar issues. My Capture is working on my iPhone to create content. It seems to exist in my Libraries. However, recently certain libraries don't seem to sync. I still have content form a couple days ago that won't sync. I've tried to turn off my cellular data and only use WiFi. In CC app on desktop it doesn't show those libraries either, but when you click the cloud icon it says everything is synced. But it's not.


I have tried everything you have suggested and I have had no luck getting my Libraries to show up in my CC desktop or AI.




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Community Beginner ,
Oct 30, 2020 Oct 30, 2020

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I have tried everything you have suggested, but I too am having similar issues.

My libraries appread on my iPhone, but aren't appearing on my Desktop. A few days ago it was syncing, albeit slow. But my last few Libraries don't appear on my Desktop CC or AI. It's really frustrating to think you can capture content on your phone and turn around to work on it on your laptop when that isn't the truth at all... I still have libraries of projects I want to work on, but can't access anything off my iPhone that automatically goes into Libraries. Adobe really needs to work harder between departments and how their cloud management works for consumers.




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Adobe Employee ,
Nov 02, 2020 Nov 02, 2020

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Sorry things aren't working correctly. 

I can't determine, from what you've said, whether you've checked this but the first thing  I'd  like you to check is whether all of your Capture work shows up when you sign in with your Adobe ID to  https://assets.adobe.com/libraries

If all  of the work that's on your iPad also shows up there, please sign out of the Creative Cloud Desktop App, restart your computer, then sign back in to the Creative Cloud Desktop and see if things sync. 

Please let me know what you find.





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New Here ,
Dec 11, 2020 Dec 11, 2020

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Same issue - still not syncing since November - specifically the Capture app, and it's libraries not synching assets to Desktop. I signout out, I've signed in, I have tried many of the suggestions - anything else I can try?




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Community Beginner ,
Dec 11, 2020 Dec 11, 2020

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I think I found out the issue with mine. Capture doesn't seem to sync in the background. So in the settings on my iPhone, I turned off the automatic Lock Screen setting for NEVER. I left my phone on overnight and Captured seemed to continue syncing all night rather than cutting out when the Lock Screen turns off. You might want to give that a try. Don't forget to reset your Lock Screen after you're done syncing! 




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