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One hit wonder can’t duplicate effect HELP!!

New Here ,
Nov 17, 2019 Nov 17, 2019

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Somehow color was applied to an image I took using the shapes option capture.

I am stumped as to how this happened !

I love it , please help me can't repeat



Colors , Effects , How to






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Adobe Employee ,
Nov 19, 2019 Nov 19, 2019

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Hi Solis. 


This is very strange. I hope you don't mind a couple of questions:


Do you remember the steps you took to get to this point?

What device are you on?


I'm asking because although this functionality is not in the app, it is one that the team is considering so it does seem rather curious that this has happened. 


Looking forward to hearing back. 







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Adobe Employee ,
Dec 03, 2019 Dec 03, 2019

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Hi Solis,


Thanks for reporting this issue. We haven't been able to reproduce it on our end. Could you please share your device information?
We have released a new version of Capture (6.0). Please try it and see, if its useful for you.







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Participant ,
Jan 23, 2020 Jan 23, 2020

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Hi Everyone,


That image above happens when you capture a shape and use the filters that are available for it. You won't see the effect until the original picture (not the shape) is saved to the camera roll. I'm pretty sure this is what happens normally when you capture a shape, right? You capture and save the shape and it will be placed in your Adobe library and the source image (poor quality BTW) is saved in your photos app (camera roll). To get something like these images below you click on the filters button on the top right before you click (capture) a shape. There is a menu that opens and you can slide to the right to see all of them. The filters are similar to those you get in the Filter Gallery from traditonal Photoshop. They seem along the lines of those very common and overused variety. Helpful for somethings. In the capture program it seems it suns a filter on top of the image you are taking and the shapes effect seems to be added on top of that. So you can get odd Solarized or Sketchy sorts of things. Unfortunately (or fortunately) they aren't very large files. You can't use them to do much, but they can be good for ideas for things I imagine. Personally the vector quality of the shapes in capture is where the magic exists.


In the case below using "Comic" filter will surely get you a strange look. You can also use multiple ones by clicking them. Th more you do the lest color will appear in the source image. Again you don't get to see these images until they are automatically saved by Capture in your camera role. While using Capture you only see the high contrast "Shape" effect that you can save and access in the Libraries panel in Adobe programs like Adobe Photoshop.


My guess for the above picture was inversed (second button from the top) then clicking on Comic, Edge, and/or Line.


Low Res Source FileLow Res Source FileCapture ShapeCapture ShapeLow Res Source FileLow Res Source FileCapture ShapeCapture Shape





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