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We need to be able to 1) create folders in "cloud files" 2) share from web portal

Nov 06, 2023 Nov 06, 2023

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I'm sorry to be so negative on a public forum but adobe...your cloud file management sucks. Since all updates are really trying to force me into using the cloud files option (easiest, most seamless flow) I figured I'f give it a shot.

1) We need to be able to create folders, or projects, or whatever you feel like calling them.

How can I manage professional workflow if all of my files are just in one giant pile? The only way to create folders is to use the "synced files" interface, which doesn't even show up in the menu for XD, for example. I still have to browse to the file location in windows or OS, which makes your whole streamlined UI kind of useless.

2) We need to be able to share files from the web portal

Again I can't share any of these "cloud file"s from the web portal, only an adobe program. I can, however, share "synced files" via the web. This is useless. What if I'm on my phone and want to give someone else access to the file? The ONLY option I have for any and all files is to delete them.

There is just no way I can use this. It's sad to see such basic, decades old file management techniques abandoned and a sub-par system pushed on the entire population of users. Seriously- you should know your base better. A lot of us are freelancers and without some ability to bucket projects, a file management portal is utterly useless.






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